This was a WILD one. The art direction from the band read as follows: Men In Black (new stage look for 2022 tour), Aliens, UFO’s, Conspiracy theory.
I envisioned the idea of someone who believes EVERYTHING. I wanted to see the world through their eyes. I wanted to know what’s inside their brains. I did my own research. I learned that the extraterrestrials have lizard tongues. And the lizard people are everywhere throughout history and are drawn here through various portraits throughout the kaleidoscope background. The reptilians range from JFK, who still walks amongst us today, to Richard Nixon, who’s the first recorded vampire seen in America. The portraits include Salvador Dali and Elvis Presley. My own research confirms the Queen and Albert Einstein to be amongst the reptilian variety. Hunter Thompson may have ‘red pilled’ Elon Musk, and Michelle Tanner was a body double for Alf. And finally, I learned what we all knew to be true: Ted Cruz is Lucifer in the Flesh. Shoutout to anyone who hung a “I Want to Believe” X-Files poster in their rooms while growing up. I raise my glass, this piece of art is for you!
NOTES: 18 x 24 inches /// 8 screens /// 1-180 sold at show /// AP artist editions numbered 1-75 on pearlescent opal paper and 1-50 on psychedelic rainbow foil /// Show was November 1, 2022 in Charlotte, NC.
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