Early in the conception of this one I came to a working title of: the nature of belief. I was thinking about the overwhelming majesty paired with belief. The primates here all stand, levitating and observing, on something I’m calling balance disks. The meteors in the background reveal something beyond our experience…
NOTES: 18 x 24 inches /// 7 screens (2 metallic) /// numbered edition of 250 sold at shows (artist get 1-75 S/N) /// signed and numbered holofoil edition of 70 copies /// January 22, 2016 at Chaifetz Arena in St. Louis, MO
Please note that there will be an art print version of this image (sans text) with an added elements in the top This will likely debut at SXSW in Austin. There will not be a foil version for the art print.
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