The challenge in making these panoramic landscapes is to fuse the real world with a supernatural one. Everything I envisioned was temporal and ethereal; both familiar and foreign. I sought to bond crashing waves with desolate terrain. My feelings looking at the wanderers is that the ground beneath their feet is unstable, and their world in flux.
“The point of mythology is to point to the horizon and point back to ourselves: This is who we are; this is where we came from; and this is where we’re going.”
– J. Michael Straczynski
NOTES: 24 x 18 inches /// 4 screens (1 metallic) /// numbered edition of 267 sold at shows /// signed and numbered artist edition of 90 /// signed and numbered holofoil edition of 47 copies /// signed and numbered gold edition of 40 copies (MondoCon exclusive) /// August 7 & 8, 2015 at Fox Theatre in Atlanta, GA
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