I had two initial sources of inspiration for this print. The first being Milton Glaser’s Bob Dylan print.
My idea was the ocean whispering melodies to Bob Dylan. I ended up toning this idea way down and the real link to Glaser’s portrait and mine are the alternating colors in the strands of hair and the type itself. I felt comfortable referencing Dylan on a print for CAKE for two simple reasons: both are really idiosyncratic artists at their core, and a favorite quote from Jack White, “you can’t trust people that say they don’t like the Beatles or Bob Dylan”. Still, I decided this wasn’t enough of a reason to go all in, and made sure the image could stand alone.
My second thought was my own selfish desire to see whispers on a rock poster… it felt fitting for CAKE. The imagery felt a bit like a throw back to my Velvet Revolver and Tori Amos prints from 2004 in their use of flowing hair as a central element.
NOTES: 18 x 24 inches /// 5 screens /// numbered edition of 260 (51-260 sold at shows) /// signed and numbered refractor holofoil edition of 34 /// March 20-22, 2014 at Brooklyn Bowl in Las Vegas, NV.
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