I wanted to make an image about conflict in relationships. The two bighorns butting heads symbolizes the conflict and the two birds flying away signify its resolution. Above their heads is an illustrated version of a Saint-Gaudens double eagle gold coin. It’s an extremely rare coin and is considered by many to be the most beautiful of the US coins. It’s purpose here is draw a parallel between the rarity and beauty that make up the coin and the couples own relationship.
The illustration is a nod to early hard liquor packaging and labels. I ended up modeling the Avett letters after the iconic Jack Daniels lettering with the hope that people would subconsciously draw a connection between the two the night of the show.
NOTES: 24 x 18 inches /// 3 screens (all 3 metallic) on jet black paper /// signed and numbered edition of 200 (51-200 sold at show) /// silver variant to 30 /// October 4, 2013 at Kiva Auditorium in Albuquerque, New Mexico
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