Whether you use our posters to spice up your classroom walls or as a teaching tool, we know your students will find them simple to understand and will want to study them.
Perfect for wildlife and ENR CDE teams, Envirothon practice, and learning labs in the classroom (of course).
Our posters are unique because they are…
1. Double-sided. One side is labeled and the other is not so you can use it for quizzes or as an activity.
2. Only 11×17 inches (the size of two regular sheets of paper). This means they are easy to use as an interactive lesson with students.
3. Already laminated. No sending them to the Media Center and waiting for their return. Use markers to let students write on them or number them for a quiz.
Save money and get the whole set!
This is a set of 15 laminated posters and includes all 4 of the Wildlife Identification Poster sets: Snakes and Reptiles, Fish and Aquatics, Birds, and Mammals. Native and Nonnative animals are included.
These posters include all the wildlife animals on the National FFA Environmental Natural Resources CDE, as well as the Georgia Wildlife CDE list.
The set of 15 posters contains one of each of the following
- venomous snakes
- nonvenomous snakes
- reptiles and amphibians
- freshwater fish and other aquatics
- birds of prey
- wild ducks
- waterfowl
- game birds
- nongame birds
- hooved mammals
- large mammals
- medium mammals
- small mammals
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