Whether you use our posters to spice up your classroom walls or as a teaching tool, we know your students will find them simple to understand and will want to study them.
Our posters are unique because they are…
1. Double-sided. One side is labeled and the other is not so you can use it for quizzes or as an activity.
2. Only 11×17 inches (the size of two regular sheets of paper). This means they are easy to use as an interactive lesson with students. Many teachers order sets of 4 so they can have students work in groups.
3. Already laminated. No sending them to the Media Center and waiting for their return. You can use markers so students can write on them or you can number the parts for a quiz.
This Poultry Science poster set includes:
- Parts of the Egg
- Order of Bleaching
- Carcass Parts
- Carcass Grading Defects
- Internal Egg Defects
- External Egg Defects – texture
- External Egg Defects – stains and foreign material
- External Egg Defects – shapes and soundness
- Further Process Products defects
- Plumage Condition/Molt
- Chicken External Anatomy
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