The official title is: A s W l A e K e E p which is ‘AWAKE’ (all caps) and ‘sleep’ (all lowercase) intertwined. This image was originally used in a gig poster in 2013 and I reworked the image here, adding new borders to frame it. The idea came while Kristie and I were watching our own children sleep. There’s a peacefulness to their rhythmic breathing and relaxed expressions. The snake that surrounds the fox is representative of the impending dangers that we all encounter throughout our lives. I know eventually they will venture out on their own without our protection.
NOTES: 16 x 12 inches (standard frame size) /// 6 screens /// signed numbered edition of 125 copies /// signed and numbered variant edition of 70 copies (sold at show) /// Print originally debuted for Mondo’s Originals: A Fine Art Show on November 13, 2015
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