It’s unusual I create art based on the location of the show but these are strange years we’re living thru. I’ve always kept a folder on my desktop of inspiring subject matter. These are things that may trigger future ideas: a majestic Sequoia tree in the Red Woods, a mother elephant, a bison looking out over a cliff’s edge. Several of the images in the folder are of 30s-40s Hollywood Starlets including Judy Garland. What’s really striking and evocative is the expression on her face. It’s youthful and optimistic. Her gaze is introspective and you feel a weight she’s carrying beneath her eyes. And it’s also tender. I felt many things looking at the photo that are hard to put into words. I just know that I felt something and wanted to communicate that feeling to you.
For Kansas residents you’ll see the inclusion of the sunflower along with a vintage ad sheet modified in the background to include references to the Avett’s music, Kansas lore and Oz references.
NOTES: 18 x 24 inches /// 5 screens /// show edition numbered 1-150 out of 200 & artists copies are signed and numbered 151-200 /// Original show date was October 1, 2021 at Azura Amphitheater in Bonner Springs, KS
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