This is the final piece in a three part series for the Foo’s. In the broadest sense my hope was to select a subject that would instantly capture some of the band’s ferocity. It had to look and feel both melodic and heavy. The inking done on the actual face of the white tiger is some of my best work done this year.
“When I think of art I think of beauty. Beauty is the mystery of life. It is not in the eye it is in the mind. In our minds there is awareness of perfection.”
– Agnes Martin
NOTES: 18 x 24 inches /// 6 screens (1 metallic) /// numbered edition of 350 sold at shows /// signed and numbered artist edition of 100 /// signed and numbered holofoil edition of 70 (25 sold at show) copies /// September 22, 2015 at The Forum in Los Angeles, CA
Please note that there will be an art print version of this image (sans text) with an added screen and new elements in the top left and right corners. This will debut at MondoCon in Austin.
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