“If You Can Master Time You Can Master The Universe” is phrase I often mutter to myself while working. I did a google search to see if I was subconsciously referencing something but the results didn’t reveal anything. For me, it’s about feeling that there is never enough time. And that if I only had more time I could figure everything out.
I pieced together this idea that the helmet itself was an isolation tank that once sat at the bottom of the ocean. The helmet now sits alone in the drifts of sand from a dried up ocean; an indicator that a great deal of time has passed. There are a couple of elements I added to this that aren’t in the Jack White print. The starfish that cover the sand serve as a clue that the helmet once sat on the ocean floor. The shell design that sits over the name plate is something I see as protection or armor for the girl who sits waiting inside. There’s also a thin layer of blue flake in the sky that’s difficult to see on a web photo.
NOTES: 18 x 24 inches /// 6 screens /// signed and numbered edition in gold of 92 /// variant signed and numbered edition in blue of 42 /// zero artist proofs
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