I read a recent article with Iggy in the NY Times where he noted that Bowie resurrected him. Coincidentally, the two albums of his that really knock me out are The Idiot and Lust for Life, which are the two albums Bowie produced. My rendering is a rare moment of syzygy in the history of rock. It’s likely a representation of the two disparate icons meeting: the wolf with two toned eyes exchanges secrets with the wild dog. I recognized that the imagery was vague enough to read as Josh (from QOTSA) passing ciphers to Iggy and I like that reading as well.
“All of nature begins to whisper its secrets to us through its sounds.” – RS
NOTES: 24×18 inches /// 7 screens /// signed and numbered artist edition to 75 copies (show edition of 1-230 + 20 rainbow foils sold at show) /// signed and numbered artist edition of radiant iridescent foil to 45 copies and rainbow foil to 18 copies (due to minor edge chipping only 26 of the iridescent foils are available) /// April 12, 2016 at United PalaceTheatre in New York, NY /// An art print of this image with various revisions will be released at a later date & titled: The Thin White Duke & The Passenger.
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