From the beginning I had a distinct vision for this one. I saw tranquility on the outside; a peacefulness and a calm in her gently blowing hair with nature’s death perched on her shoulder and an instrument capable of incredible ferocity woven between her hair. What I hoped to achieve with the vibrant skin and background patterning is an underlying feeling of seething, brooding rage.
Two characters from popular films where on my mind while drawing: Lisbeth and The Bride. In some ways it’s a mix of the two. Also, David Carradine’s quote: ‘this is me at my most masochistic’ rattled around my head throughout the project. This marks the first time I’ve worked in portrait for this series of prints. The color scheme is sampled from the ‘Hesitation Marks’ album art. If you feel like taking a trip down memory lane have a look at my Morrissey print from 2006. I think it’s a precursor to where I am now.
NOTES: 18 x 24 inches /// 5 screens /// show edition is 275 & artist edition is 100 and 50 foils /// Original show date was November 27, 2018 at Toyota Music Factory in Dallas, TX
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