Strict limit of one per household please. Be cool to your fellow collectors…
When I began researching the city of Padova, Italy I was immediately struck by the beauty in the twilight photos of the Basilica of Saint Anthony and decided to use that as a touchstone in my imagery. I realized that there’s a parallel in the masses that visit this shrine and the masses that attend Pearl Jam shows. The parallel is in the the community, the celebration and the brightness of the people traveling near and far. The bee here floats high above the temple as both a looming specter and a symbol of these notions.
This print is actually double sided and features my description above on the back of the print along with a holographic sticker of authenticity.
NOTES: 18 x 24 inches /// 5 screens (1 metallic & 1 spot varnish) /// artist edition signed & numbered to 100 /// Original show date was June 24, 2018 at Stadio Euganeo in Padova, Italy
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