Sometimes a single lyric can dictate the entire print and in this case the QOTSA line: “If I told you that I knew about the sun and the moon, I’d be untrue” was the genesis for the imagery. The art is meant to pair with my QOTSA print from the Detroit show of last year. Stylistically, I’ve been looking thru Ukiyo-e Japanese art (most notably the Hokusai wave!) and some of that influence shows up in this one. There’s a lot of interesting texture and under printing in person and I’m excited for you all to see them in the flesh!
NOTES: 24 x 18 inches /// 3 screens (1 metallic) /// show edition signed & numbered to 400 /// 1-100 artist edition are sold by me (50 rainbow foils) /// Original show date was April 24, 2018 at Austin360 Amphitheater in Austin, TX
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