The title here references a Yoda quote from Episode II: “Truly wonderful, the mind of a child is.” The ancient master appears surprised at the insight of the young Padawan children he’s training. His words stayed with me over the years and have taken on new meaning now that I have children of my own.
The print is 12×12 inches and the idea here is that they will fit within standard smaller sized frames. Look for many more characters from the Star Wars universe in the coming years as I’m hoping the series lasts a long while.
NOTES: 12 x 12 inches /// 10 screens /// Artists signed & numbered editions are as follows: Opal 50 • Jupiter 26 • Sapphire 29 • Fairway 27 • Onyx 27 • Fine Gold 27 /// The artwork is released in conjunction with Acme Archives, the official Star Wars licensee.
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