Early in the conception of this one I came to a working title of: The Nature of Belief. I was thinking about the overwhelming majesty paired with belief. The primates here all stand, levitating and observing, on something I’m calling balance disks. The meteors in the background reveal something beyond our experience…
A few notable changes from the gig poster version: I added additional meteors and stars in the background along with a clouds flanking the lion left and right. You’ll notice a shadowy figure looming high above the primates. The character is part bat (face), part butterfly (wings) and part humanoid. I see the characters (primates, lion, batterfly) as a trinity with the batterfly resembling a holy ghost or talk show host type of figure…
NOTES: 18 x 24 inches /// 7 screens (2 metallic) /// signed and numbered edition of 100 /// signed and numbered silver edition of 35 copies
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